The operational environment. Its evolution and the challenges that arise

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The operational environment evolves rapidly and increases in complexity when asymmetric capabilities are employed, exploiting the multidimensionality of the armed conflict scenario. Thus, an urgent need to establish and understand, with the greatest accuracy possible, the operational environment in which the operations will take place arises, so that planning and execution are effective and enable the successful completion of the assigned mission. This article analyzes the conceptual issues of the operational environment, highlighting its importance. It also outlines the characteristics of future operational environment and, based on that, formulates the challenges that arise for operational planners. It emphasizes that, currently, the task of establishing the operational environment with realism and accuracy is a concern present in many armies around the world.

Article Details

Mario Arteaga Velásquez
Arteaga Velásquez, M. (2024). The operational environment. Its evolution and the challenges that arise. Revista Ensayos Militares, 10(2), 60-77. Retrieved from


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