500 years after the discovery of the Strait of Magellan. Geostrategic and geopolitical perspective

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On november 1st, 2020 it’s the 500th anniversary of the discovery of the Strait of Magellan (1520-2020). Opportunity in which Chile will participate in worldwide celebrations of one of the most important geographical events in the history of humanity. Even though Christopher Columbus discov- ered a “new world”, Hernando de Magallanes, in addition to finding a route to connect the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, confirmed with his feat the theory about the earth roundness and left in oblivion many myths and legends that were valid until the beginning of the 16th century. With the discovery, the south- ernmost became a relevant geographic area of world politics and a geostrategic and geopolitical challenge for Spain, Portugal and Europe. This article remember the achievement and show how the Chilean Army has made its historiographical contribution on the feat and highlights the influence of geography on the defense and evolution of the States.

Article Details

Rodolfo Ortega Prado
Ortega Prado, R. (2021). 500 years after the discovery of the Strait of Magellan. Geostrategic and geopolitical perspective. Revista Ensayos Militares, 5(1), 79 -84. Retrieved from https://revistaensayosmilitares.cl/index.php/acague/article/view/52


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